Our Engagements

Hotels for Trees
Since 2022, Compagnie Hôtelière de Bagatelle has been associated with this non-profit foundation, whose donations are dedicated to (re)forestation projects.
In concrete terms, a tree is planted for every day that a guest chooses not to use the housekeeping service by indicating this on the wooden door hanger in their room.

Created in 2017, UNISOAP is the first French non-profit association whose mission is to collect and recycle used soap bars for humanitarian purposes. Les Plumes Hotel is participating in this collection to provide access to hygiene to populations in need.

Zero Plastic
Les Plumes hotel now offers reusable glass water bottles to replace plastic bottles.
Large refillable containers have been introduced for shampoo, shower gel and body cream.

Zero Paper
In each room, a QR Code will enable guests to access hotel information, thus avoiding the use of paper.